The Mystic Aegean, Suite for Violoncello and Piano (excerpts), composed by Mikis Theodorakis; Maximos Farmakidis, contrabass; Dr. Cecilia Lee, piano.
The Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra is pleased to begin our second season of SPOGreatMusic Performance videos with this selection from longtime SPO bassist, Mr. Maximos Farmakidis. “The Mystic Aegean” (Το Μυστικιστικό Αιγαίο) is an excerpt from Mikis Theodorakis suite, “East of the Aegean” for Violoncello and Piano, transcribed for Contrabass and Piano by Maximos Farmakidis. The suite “East of the Aegean” consist of 21 miniature compositions for viοloncello and piano based on Mikis Theodorakis song cycles. This suite is a declaration of love to the composer’s origins, the islands of Chios, Lesbos, and Icaria.