Composed by Ted Runcie. Performed by Odin Quartet (Tanya Charles Iveniuk and Alex Toskov, violins; Matt Antal, viola; Samuel Bisson, cello).

Originally performed and recorded June 15, 2022. Original audio and video recorded by ArsMusica Toronto (Colin Mendes Morris). Video and audio edited and produced by Devin Scott (SPO Executive Director; Executive Producer/Editor SPOGreatMusic Digital).

Streaming of Ted Runcie’s album, “Jamaican Quartets” is available on major platforms via this link: ** AN IMPORTANT NOTE FROM MR. RUNCIE: The audio in this video is recorded live. The audio for the album “Jamaican Quartets” was professionally recorded in a recording studio and mastered for ideal sound quality. Mr. Runcie is tremendously appreciative of all funding supporters of the “Jamaican Quartets” project, including the Toronto Arts Council (