It’s no secret that the impact of COVID-19 on the whole world is troublesome and worrying. Adapting to social distancing, not being able to go where we want, when we want, and even having to line up to get the real essentials of life, has impacted every person on the planet. Many people are also impacted financial, and certainly emotionally. Family and friends are forced to be separated, even for life’s most precious moments, like a marriage, welcoming a new baby, or in grief. Tempers become shorter, as does patience. Musicians and creative folk are at least able to express frustrations artistically, whether banging a little harder on that drum, or composing and trying to stay creative, or simply practising outside – bringing a little added joy to our very quiet neighbourhoods. Now is also a really great time for people to re-connect with creativity and music, even if it seems like a life-time ago that you touched an instrument or took a music lesson. If you are interested in music lessons (online, or in person), please send an email to (Subject: Lessons, and include the instrument you have or want to study), and we will try to connect you with one of our musicians who is also a teacher. This will not only help them financially, it may help us re-connect as people, calm our minds, and have some level of creative enjoyment in our individual lives.